Note for UCB CS267: Applications of Parallel Computers 1-12

Note for UCB CS267: Applications of Parallel Computers 1-12


Course Website:

P1: Introduction & Overview


  1. load imbalance = inefficient
  2. Simple parallel problem: : dividing big problem to many processors.
  3. Classification of HPC:

    1. SMP: Shared Memory or Multicore
    2. HPC: High performance Computing or distribute memory
    3. SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data
  4. Different between Concurrency & Parallelism : logical & actual
  5. Goal: Exa-flop = 10^18 flop/s -GPU
  6. Top 500 Project

    1. Yardstick: Linpack -> Solve $Ax=b$
  7. Performance history and Protection
  8. Gordon Bell Prize: Application Performance
  9. Five paradigm: Theory & Experiment & Simulation & Data Analysis & Machine Learning
  10. Analytics & Simulation
    • 7 Giants of Data: Basic statics & Generalized N-Body & Graph-theory & Linear algebra & Optimizations & Integrations & Alignment
    • 7 Dwarfs of Simulation: Monte Carlo method & Particle methods & Unstructured meshes & Dense Linear Algebra & Sparse Linear Algebra & Spectral methods & Structured Meshes
  11. Limitation of HPC:
    • Space limitation
      • Single Chip : $r < c / 10^{12}$
    • 7 Giants of Data: Basic statics & Generalized N-Body & Graph-theory & Linear algebra & Optimizations & Integrations & Alignment
    • 7 Dwarfs of Simulation: Monte Carlo method & Particle methods & Unstructured meshes & Dense Linear Algebra & Sparse Linear Algebra & Spectral methods & Structured Meshes.
  12. Limitation of HPC:
    • Space limitation: Single Chip: $r < c / 10^{12}$
    • Heat limitation: $Power \propto V^2fC$
    • V-f
  13. Reinterpreted Moore’s law

P2: Memory Hierarchies and Matrix Multiplication

Performance programming on uniprocessors requires

  • Understanding of memory system
    • Processor: variable, operation, control
    • Mem hierarchy: On chip cache > SRAM > DRAM > DISK >Cloud
      • Temporal & Spatial locality
    • Caches
    • Latency & Bandwidth
  • Understanding of fine-grained parallelism in processor
    • Pipeline
    • SIMD & FMA

Simple performance models can aid in understanding

  • Two ratios are key to efficiency (relative to peak)
  1. Computational intensity of the algorithm:
    • q = f/m = # floating point operations / # slow memory references
  2. Machine balance in the memory system:
    • tm/tf = time for slow memory reference / time for floating point operation

Want $q > t_m/t_f$ to get half machine peak

  • Matrix Multiplication:
    • Naive: $q=f/m=2n^3/(n^3+3n^2) \approx 2$
    • Block: $q=f/m=2n^3/((2N+2)\times n^2)\approx n/N=b$


Blocking (tiling) is a basic approach to increase q

  • Techniques apply generally, but the details (e.g., block size) are architecture dependent
  • Similar techniques are possible on other data structures and algorithms
  • Optimize in Practice
    • Matrix Storage
    • Copy Optimization
    • Loop Unrolling
    • Removing False Dependency
    • Exploit Multiple registers
    • Minimize Pointer Updates


This is my understanding of the optimization of matrix multiplication later:

  • Face a problem about Matrix multiplication in fast and slow memory.
  • First, defined the number of operations in fast and slow memory and computation intensity(CI) which is to evaluate the performance of algorithm.
  • Then, simplified Matrix multiplication to Matrix-Vector multiplication, and analysis this problem to get the CI=2.
  • After that, analysized Naive Matrix multiply and get the CI=2.
  • Due to Multiplication properties of partitioned matrices, she put forward Blocked(Tiled) Matrix multiply and get the CI=b(b*b is the size of partitioned matrices).
  • This small partitioned matrices can take advantage of cache in read and write, using SIMD in computation, thus get better performance.

P3: Cache Oblivious MatMul and the Roofline Model

Cache Oblivious MatMul

  • Matrix matrix multiplication

    • Computational intensity O(2n^3) flops on O(3n^2) data
  • Tiling matrix multiplication (cache aware)

    • Can increase to b if b*b blocks fit in fast memory

    • b = sqrt(M/3), the fast memory size M

    • Tiling (aka blocking) “cache-aware”

    • Cache-oblivious - recursive

    • Define C = RMM (A, B, n)
      if (n==1) { 
          C00 = A00 * B00 ; 
      } else{ 
      	C00 = RMM (A00 , B00 , n/2) + RMM (A01 , B10 , n/2)
      	C01 = RMM (A00 , B01 , n/2) + RMM (A01 , B11 , n/2)
      	C10 = RMM (A10 , B00 , n/2) + RMM (A11 , B10 , n/2)
      	C11 = RMM (A10 , B01 , n/2) + RMM (A11 , B11 , n/2) 
      return C
    • $CI=f/m=2n^3/O(n^3/\sqrt{M})=O(\sqrt{M})$

    • Don’t need to know M for this to work!
  • Optimized libraries (BLAS) exist

    • Flop/s: MM(BLAS3) > MV(BLAS2) -> Compute Bound
    • Time: MM(BLAS3) < MV(BLAS2) -> Bandwidth Bound


Roofline Model

  • Roofline captures upper bound performance

    • The min of 2 upper bounds for a machine
      • Peak flops (or other arith ops)
      • Memory bandwidth max
    • Algorithm computational intensity
      • Usually defined as best case, infinite cache
    • Machine balance:
      • Balance = (Peak DP FLOP/s) / Peak Bandwidth
    • Computational / arithmetic intensity:
      • CI = FLOPs Performed / Data Moved
  • Originally for single processors and SPMs

    • OperationFLOPsDataCI
      Dot Prod$O(n)$$O(n)$$O(1)$
      Mat Vec$O(n^2)$$O(n^2)$$O(1)$
      FFT$O(n\log n)$$O(n)$$O(\log n)$
  • Widely used in practice and adapted to any bandwidth/compute limit situation



MM - $3b^3<M$ + Block

Z- morton


P4: Shared Memory Parallelism

  • Programming shared memory machines
    • May allocate data in large shared region without too many worries about where
    • Memory hierarchy is critical to performance
      • Even more so than on uniprocessors, due to coherence traffic
    • For performance tuning, watch sharing (both true and false)
  • Semantics
    • Need to lock access to shared variable for read-modify-write
    • Sequential consistency is the natural semantics
      • Write race-free programs to get this
    • Architects worked hard to make this work
      • Caches are coherent with buses or directories
      • Cache:
        • write back: Update when evicted from cache
        • write through: Update always when wrote
      • No caching of remote data on shared address space machines
    • But compiler and processor may still get in the way
      • Non-blocking writes, read prefetching, code motion…
      • Avoid races or use machine-specific fences carefully

Original Serial pi program with 100000000 steps

threads1st SPMD1st SPMD paddedSPMD criticalPI Loop and reduction

P5 Sources of Parallelism and Locality I & II


  • Discrete event systems
    • Time and space are discrete
  • Particle systems
    • Important special case of lumped systems
  • Lumped systems (ODEs)
    • Location/entities are discrete, time is continuous
  • Continuous systems (PDEs)
    • Time and space are continuous

Summary of Discrete Event Simulations


  • Decompose domain, i.e., set of objects
  • Run each component ahead using
    • Synchronous: communicate at end of each timestep
    • Asynchronous: communicate on-demand
      • Conservative scheduling wait for inputs
        • need deadlock detection
      • Speculative scheduling assume no inputs
        • roll back if necessary

Summary of Particle Methods

  • Model contains discrete entities, namely, particles
  • Time is continuous must be discretized to solve
  • Simulation follows particles through timesteps
    • Force = external _force + nearby_force + far_field_force
    • All-pairs algorithm is simple, but inefficient, O(n2)
    • Particle-mesh methods approximates by moving particles to a regular mesh, where it is easier to compute forces
    • Tree-based algorithms approximate by treating set of particles as a group, when far away
  • May think of this as a special case of a lumped system

Summary of ODE Methods

  • Explicit methods for ODEs need sparse-matrix-vector mult.
  • Implicit methods for ODEs need to solve linear systems
  • Direct methods (Gaussian elimination)
    • Called LU Decomposition, because we factor A = L*U.
    • Future lectures will consider both dense and sparse cases.
    • More complicated than sparse-matrix vector multiplication.
  • Iterative solvers
    • Will discuss several of these in future.
      • Jacobi, Successive over-relaxation (SOR) , Conjugate Gradient (CG),
      • Multigrid,…
    • Most have sparse-matrix-vector multiplication in kernel.
  • Eigenproblems
    • Future lectures will discuss dense and sparse cases.
    • Also depend on sparse-matrix-vector multiplication, direct methods.

SpMV in Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) Format



  • Pratitioning


Goals of Reordering

  • Performance goals
    • balance load (how is load measured?).
      • Approx equal number of nonzeros (not necessarily rows)
    • balance storage (how much does each processor store?).
      • Approx equal number of nonzeros
    • minimize communication (how much is communicated?).
      • Minimize nonzeros outside diagonal blocks
      • Related optimization criterion is to move nonzeros near diagonal
    • improve register and cache re-use
      • Group nonzeros in small vertical blocks so source (x) elements loaded into cache or registers may be reused (temporal locality)
      • Group nonzeros in small horizontal blocks so nearby source (x) elements in the cache may be used (spatial locality)
  • Other algorithms reorder rows/columns for other reasons
    • Reduce # nonzeros in matrix after Gaussian elimination
    • Improve numerical stability


Recap of Last Lecture

  • 4 kinds of simulations
    • Discrete Event Systems
    • Particle Systems
    • Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
    • Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) (today)
  • Common problems:
    • Load balancing
      • May be due to lack of parallelism or poor work distribution
      • Statically, divide grid (or graph) into blocks
      • Dynamically, if load changes significantly during run
    • Locality
      • Partition into large chunks with low surface-to-volume ratio
      • To minimize communication
      • Distributed particles according to location, but use irregular spatial decomposition (e.g., quad tree) for load balance
    • Constant tension between these two
      • Particle-Mesh method: can’t balance particles (moving), balance mesh (fixed) and keep particles near mesh points without communication

Summary of Approaches to Solving PDEs

  • As with ODEs, either explicit or implicit approaches are possible
    • Explicit, sparse matrix-vector multiplication
    • Implicit, sparse matrix solve at each step
      • Direct solvers are hard (more on this later)
      • Iterative solves turn into sparse matrix-vector multiplication
        • Graph partitioning
  • Graph and sparse matrix correspondence:
    • Sparse matrix-vector multiplication is nearest neighbor averaging on the underlying mesh
  • Not all nearest neighbor computations have the same efficiency
    • Depends on the mesh structure (nonzero structure) and the number of Flops per point

Summary sources of parallelism and locality

  • Current attempts to categorize main kernels dominating simulation codes
  • Seven Dwarfs (P. Colella)
    • Structured grids
      • including locally structured grids, as in AMR
    • Unstructured grids
    • Spectral methods (Fast Fourier Transform)
    • Dense Linear Algebra
    • Sparse Linear Algebra
      • Both explicit (SpMV) and implicit (solving)
    • Particle Methods
    • Monte Carlo/Embarrassing Parallelism/Map Reduce (easy)

P6 Communication-avoiding matrix multiplication


  • Communication = moving data
    • Between main memory and cache
    • Between processors over a network
    • Most expensive operation (in time or energy)
  • Goal: Provably minimize communication for algorithms that look like nested loops accessing arrays
    • Includes matmul, linear algebra (dense and sparse), n-body, convolutional neural nets (CNNs), …
  • Simple case: n-body (sequential, with main memory and cache)
    • Communication lower bound and optimal algorithm
  • Extension to Matmul
  • Extension to algorithms that look like nested loops accessing arrays, like CNNs (and open questions)

Data access for n-body

  • A() = array of structures
    • ` A(i) contains position, charge on particle i`
  • Usual n-body
    • for i = 1:n, for j = 1:n except i, F(i) = F(i) + force(A(i),A(j))
  • Simplify to make counting easier
    • Let B() = array of disjoint set of particles
    • for i = 1:n, for j = 1:n, e = e + potential(A(i),B(j))
  • Simplify more
    • for i = 1:n, for j = 1:n, access A(i) and B(j)

image-20220924164824403 \[\text{Transfer data:}\ n^2 \sim 2n\\ \text{Cache data:}\ M^2/4 \sim M\]

Generalizing to other algorithms

  • Many algorithms look like nested loops accessing arrays
    • Linear Algebra (dense and sparse)
    • Grids (structured and unstructured)
    • Convolutional Neural Nets (CNNs) …
  • Matmul: C = A*B
    • for i=1:n, for j=1:n, for k=1:n
      • C(i,j) = C(i,j) + A(i,k) * B(k,j)

Proof of Communication Lower Bound on C = A·B (1/4)


  • Thm (Loomis & Whitney, 1949)

    • cubes in 3D set = Volume of 3D set ≤ (area(A shadow) · area(B shadow) · area(C shadow)) 1/2
    • $V\leq \sqrt{S_A \cdot S_B \cdot S_C}$
  • # loop iterations doable with M words of data = #cubes ≤ (area(A shadow) · area(B shadow) ·area(C shadow)) 1/2 ≤ (M · M · M) 1/2 = M 3/2 = F

  • Need to read/write at least M n3/ F = Ω(n3/M 1/2) = Ω(#loop iterations / M 1/2) words to/from cache

  • $Cost=M\cdot n^3/ F = M\cdot n^3/ M^{3/2} = n^3/M^{1/2} $

Parallel Case: apply reasoning to one processor out of P

  • ”Fast memory” = local processor, “Slow memory” = other procs

  • Goal: lower bound # “reads/writes” = # words moved between

  • one processor and others

  • loop iterations = n3 / P (load balanced)

    • M = 3n2 / P (each processor gets equal fraction of data)

    • reads/writes M · (n3 /P) / (M)3/2 = Ω (n2 / P1/2 )

    • $Cost=M\cdot (n^3/P)/ M^{3/2} = n^3/(P\cdot M^{1/2}) = n^2/ (\sqrt{3P}) \sim \Omega(n^2/p^{1/2})$




P7 An Introduction to CUDA and GPUs

What’s in a CPU?


Hardware Big Idea

  1. Remove components that help a single instruction stream run fast
    1. Discover parallelism
    2. Consume energy
  2. A larger number of (smaller simpler) cores
  3. Share the instruction stream
    1. SIMT: single instruction multiple threads
  4. Masks
    1. image-20220929092042276

Running GPU Code (Kernel)

  1. Allocate memory on GPU
  2. Copy data to GPU
  3. Execute GPU program
  4. Wait to complete
  5. Copy results back to CPU
float *x = new float[N];
float *y = new float[N];
//1. Allocate Memory on GPU
int size = N*sizeof(float);
float *d_x, *d_y; // device copies of x y 
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_x, size); 
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_y, size);
//2. Copy data to GPU
cudaMemcpy(d_x, x, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); 
cudaMemcpy(d_y, y, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
//3. Run kernel on GPU
add<<<1,1>>>(N, d_x, d_y); 
//4. Wait to complete
//5. Copy result back to host 
cudaMemcpy(y, d_y, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); 

// Free memory 
cudaFree(d_x); cudaFree(d_y); 
delete [] x; delete [] y; 

// GPU function to add two vectors 
void add(int n, float *x, float *y) { 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
    y[i] = x[i] + y[i]; 

Example: Vector Addition

// Run kernel on GPU
int blockSize = 256; 
int numBlocks = (N + blockSize - 1) / blockSize; 
add<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(N, x, y); 

// GPU function to add two vectors 
void add(int n, float *x, float *y) { 
    int index = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
    //Works for arbitrary N and # threads / block
    int stride = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
    for (int i = index; i < n; i+=stride) 
    	y[i] = x[i] + y[i]; 



Memory types on NVIDIA GPUs


  • Shared Mem > Local Mem » Global Mem

Hierarchical Parallelism Strategy

  • Use both blocks and threads
  • Limit on maximum number of threads/block
    • Threads alone won’t work for large arrays
  • Fast shared memory only between threads
    • Blocks alone are slower

Shared (within a block) Memory

  • Declare using __shared__, allocated per block
  • Fast on-chip memory, user-managed
  • Not visible to threads in other blocks


1D Stencil Example

  • y[i] = x[i] + x[i-2] + x[i-1] + x[i+2] + x[i+1]

  • image-20220929093512540

  • Analyze

    • Input elements are read several times
    • Reuse of inputs:
  • Output

    • Divide output array into blocks, each assigned to a thread block
    • Each element within is assigned to a thread
    • Compute blockDim.x output elements
    • Write blockDim.x output elements to global memory
  • Input

    • image-20220929093900047
    • Cache (manually) input data in shared memory
    • Have each block read (blockDim.x + 2 * radius) input elements from global memory to shared memory
    • Each block needs a halo of radius elements at each boundary
      • (halos are also called ghost regions)
  • Code

    • __global__ void stencil_1d(int *in, int *out) {
          __shared__ int temp[BLOCK_SIZE + 2 * RADIUS];
          int gindex = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
          int lindex = threadIdx.x + RADIUS;
          // Read input elements into shared memory
          temp[lindex] = in[gindex];
          if (threadIdx.x < RADIUS) { // fill in halos
              temp[lindex - RADIUS] = in[gindex - RADIUS];
              temp[lindex + BLOCK_SIZE] = in[gindex + BLOCK_SIZE];
          // Synchronize (ensure all the data is available)
      	__syncthreads();//Without this line, what will happened?
          // Apply the stencil
          int result = 0;
          for (int offset = -RADIUS ; offset <= RADIUS ; offset++)
          	result += temp[lindex + offset];
          // Store the result
          out[gindex] = result;
  • Problem: Race Condition

    • Suppose thread 7 (of 8) reads the halo before thread 0 has filled it in
    • Synchronizes all threads within a block void __syncthreads();

Blocks must be independent

  • Any possible interleaving of blocks should be valid
    • presumed to run to completion without pre-emption (not fairly scheduled)
    • can run in any order
    • can run concurrently OR sequentially
  • Blocks may coordinate but not synchronize
    • shared queue pointer: OK
    • shared lock: BAD … can easily deadlock
  • Independence requirement gives scalability

Mapping CUDA to Nvidia GPUs

  • Threads:
    • Each thread is a SIMD lane (ALU)
  • Warps:
    • A warp executed as a logical SIMD instruction (sort of)
    • Warp width is 32 elements: LOGICAL SIMD width
    • (Warp-level programming also possible)
  • Thread blocks:
    • Each thread block is scheduled onto an SM
    • Peak efficiency requires multiple thread blocks per processor
  • Kernel
    • Executes on a GPU (there is also multi-GPU programming)


  • GPUs gain efficiency from simpler cores and more parallelism
    • Very wide SIMD (SIMT) for parallel arithmetic and latency-hiding
  • Heterogeneous programming with manual offload
    • CPU to run OS, etc. GPU for compute
  • Massive (mostly data) parallelism required
    • Not as strict as CPU-SIM (divergent addresses, instructions)
  • Threads in block share faster memory and barriers
    • Blocks in kernel share slow device memory and atomics

P8: Data Parallel Algorithms (aka, tricks with trees)

The Power of Data Parallelism

  • Data parallelism: perform the same operation on multiple values (often array elements)
  • Many parallel programming models use some data parallelism
    • SIMD units (and previously SIMD supercomputers)
    • CUDA / GPUs
    • MapReduce
    • MPI collectives

Data Parallel Programming: Scans


  • Scan is always use for non-obvious algorithm

Ideal Cost Model for Data Parallelism

  • Machine
    • An unbounded number of processors (p)
    • Control overhead is free
    • Communication is free
  • Cost (complexity) on this abstract machine is the algorithm’s span or depth, T∞
    • Defines a lower bound on time on real machines\

Broadcast and reduction on processor tree


  • $\log(n)$ is the lower bound!

Multiplying n-by-n matrices in O(log n) time


  • for $n^2$ parallel c[i][j]
    • each tree depth = $\log(n)$
    • $O(\log n)$

Can we parallelize a scan?

y(0) = 0;
for i = 1:n
	y(i) = y(i-1) + x(i);
  • Takes n-1 operations (adds) to do in serial
  • The i th iteration of the loop depends completely on the (i-1) st iteration.

Sum Scan (aka prefix sum) in parallel


  • Time for this algorithm on one processor (work)
    • $T_1(n) = n/2 + n/2 + T1 (n/2) = n + T1 (n/2) = 2n 1$
  • Time on unbounded number of processors (span)
    • $T_{\infty}(n) = 2 \log n$

Non-recursive exclusive scan


  • This is both work-efficient (n adds) and space-efficient (update in place)

Application: Stream Compression


  • Remove matching elements
    • int find (int x, int y) (y % x == 0) ? 1 : 0;
    • flags = apply(values, find)

Application: Radix Sort (serial algorithm)


  • $n = [Bit_2, Bit_1, Bit_0]$


List Ranking with Pointer Doubling


==?? Why put a processor at every node==

val = 1;
for(int i=0; i<log(n); i++){
	while (next != null){
        val += next.val
        next =

Application: Adding n-bit integers in O(log n) time


c[-1] = 0;
for i = 0 to n-1
	c[i] = ( (a[i] xor b[i]) and c[i-1] ) or ( a[i] and b[i] )


Lexical analysis


  • Replace every character in the string with the array representation of its state-to-state function (column).
  • Perform a parallel-prefix operation with $\oplus$ as the array composition. Each character becomes an array representing the state-to-state function for that prefix.
  • Use initial state (N, row 1) to index into these arrays.

Inverting triangular n-by-n matrices


  • Recursive !

Mapping to GPUs

  • For n-way parallelism may use n threads, divided into blocks
  • Merge across statements (so A=B; C=A; is a single kernel)
  • Mapping threads to ALUs and blocks to SMs is compiler / hardware problem

Bottom Line

  • Branches are still expensive on GPUs
  • May pad with zeros / nulls etc. to get length
  • Often write code with a guard (if i < n), which will turn into mask fine if n is large
  • Non-contiguous memory is supported, but will still have a higher cost
  • Enough parallelism to keep ALUs busy and hide latency, memory/scheduling tradeoff

Mapping Data Parallelism to SMPs (and MPPs)


image-20221006173740800 \(T_p(n) = O(n/p+\log p)\)

The myth of log n


Summary of Data Parallelism

  • Sequential semantics (or nearly) is very nice
    • Debugging is much easier without non-determinism
    • Correctness easier to reason about
  • Cost model is independent of number of processors
    • How much inherent parallelism
  • Need to “throttle” parallelism
    • n » p can be hard to map, especially with nesting
    • Memory use is a problem
  • More reading
    • Classic paper by Hillis and Steele “Data Parallel Algorithms”
    • and on Youtube
    • Blelloch the NESL languages and “NESL Revisited paper, 2006

P9 Distributed Memory Machines and Programming


  • Distributed Memory Architectures
    • Properties of communication networks
    • Topologies
    • Performance models
  • Programming Distributed Memory Machines using Message Passing
    • Overview of MPI
    • Basic send/receive use
    • Non-blocking communication
    • Collectives

Design Characteristics of a Network

  • Topology (how things are connected)
    • Crossbar; ring; 2-D, 3-D, higher-D mesh or torus; hypercube; tree; butterfly; perfect shuffle, dragon fly, …
  • Routing algorithm:
    • Example in 2D torus: all east-west then all north-south (avoids deadlock).
  • Switching strategy:
    • Circuit switching: full path reserved for entire message, like the telephone.
    • Packet switching: message broken into separately-routed packets, like the post office, or internet
  • Flow control (what if there is congestion):
    • Stall, store data temporarily in buffers, re-route data to other nodes, tell source node to temporarily halt, discard, etc.


  • Latencies differ by 1-2 orders across network designs
  • Software/hardware overhead at source/destination dominate
  • cost (1s-10s usecs)
  • Hardware latency varies with distance (10s-100s nsec per hop)
  • but is small compared to overheads


  • Latency has not improved significantly, unlike Moore’ s Law

Performance Properties of a Network: Bisection Bandwidth

  • Bisection bandwidth: bandwidth across smallest cut that divides network into two equal halves
  • Bandwidth across “narrowest” part of the network


Linear and Ring Topologies

  • Linear array
    • Diameter = n-1; average distance ~n/3.
    • Bisection bandwidth = 1 (in units of link bandwidth)
  • Torus or Ring
    • Diameter = n/2; average distance ~ n/4.
    • Bisection bandwidth = 2

Meshes and Tori – used in Hopper








Dragonflies – used in Edison and Cori

  • Motivation: Exploit gap in cost and performance between optical interconnects (which go between cabinets in a machine room) and electrical networks (inside cabinet)
    • Optical (fiber) more expensive but higher bandwidth when long
    • Electrical (copper) networks cheaper, faster when short
  • Combine in hierarchy:
    • Several groups are connected together using all to all links, i.e. each group has at least one link directly to each other group.
    • The topology inside each group can be any topology.
  • Uses a randomized routing algorithm
  • Outcome: programmer can (usually) ignore topology, get good performance
    • Important in virtualized, dynamic environment
    • Drawback: variable performance

Why randomized routing?


Shared Memory Performance Models

  • Often called “$\alpha-\beta$ model” and written
    • $ Time= latency + n/bandwidth=\alpha+n\times\beta$

Programming Distributed Memory Machines with Message Passing

MPI Basic Send/Receive


MPI Basic (Blocking) Send

MPI_Send( A, 10, MPI_DOUBLE, 1, … ) 
MPI_Recv( B, 20, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, … )
  • MPI_SEND(start, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm)
    • The message buffer is described by (start, count, datatype).
    • The target process is specified by dest, which is the rank of the target process in the communicator specified by comm.
    • When this function returns, the data has been delivered to the system and the buffer can be reused. The message may not have been received by the target process.
  • MPI_RECV(start, count, datatype, source, tag, comm, status)
    • Waits until a matching (both source and tag) message is received from the system, and the buffer can be used
    • source is rank in communicator specified by comm, or MPI_ANY_SOURCE
    • tag is a tag to be matched or MPI_ANY_TAG
    • receiving fewer than count occurrences of datatype is OK, but receiving more is an error
    • status contains further information (e.g. size of message)

PI redux: Numerical integration


#include "mpi.h”
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int done = 0, n, myid, numprocs, i, rc;
    double PI25DT = 3.141592653589793238462643;
    double mypi, pi, h, sum, x, a;
    while (!done) {
        if (myid == 0) {
        printf("Enter the number of intervals: (0 quits) ");
    MPI_Bcast(&n, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (n == 0) break;
    h = 1.0 / (double) n;
    sum = 0.0;
    for (i = myid + 1; i <= n; i += numprocs) {
    	x = h * ((double)i - 0.5);
    	sum += 4.0 * sqrt(1.0 - x*x);
    mypi = h * sum;
    MPI_Reduce(&mypi, &pi, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    if (myid == 0)
        printf("pi is approximately %.16f, Error is %.16f\n", 
               pi, fabs(pi - PI25DT));
    return 0;
#apt install mpich
mpicc -o pi pi.c
mpirun -np 6 ./pi



  • Avoiding Buffering
    • Avoiding copies uses less memory
    • May use more or less time
  • image-20221015211601935
  • This requires that MPI_Send wait on delivery, or that MPI_Send return before transfer is complete, and we wait later

MPI’s Non-blocking Operations

  • Non-blocking operations return (immediately) “request handles” that can be tested and waited on:
    • MPI_Request request;
    • MPI_Status status;
    • MPI_Isend(start, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, &request);
    • MPI_Irecv(start, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, &request);
    • MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
    • (each request must be Waited on)
  • One can also test without waiting:
    • MPI_Test(&request, &flag, &status);
  • Accessing the data buffer without waiting is undefined

P10: Advanced MPI and Collective Communication Algorithms




int MPI_Comm_split( MPI_Comm comm, 
                    int color, 
                    int key, 
                    MPI_Comm *newcomm)
  • MPI’s internal Algorithm:
  1. Use MPI_Allgather to get the color and key from each process
  2. Count the number of processes with the same color; create a communicator with that many processes. If this process has MPI_UNDEFINED as the color, create a process with a single member.
  3. Use key to order the ranks
    • Color: controls assignment to new communicator
    • Key: controls rank assignment within new communicator

How are collectives implemented in MPI?

  • Example: MPI_AllReduce
    • All processes must receive the same result vector;
    • Reduction must be performed in canonical order m0 + m1 ··· + mp−1 (if the operation is not commutative);
    • The same reduction order and bracketing for all elements of the result vector is not strictly required, but should be strived for.



image-20221016162526395 \(T_{ring}=\alpha(p-1)+\beta n(p-1)/p\\ \rightarrow T_{rec-dbl}=\alpha\log(p)+\beta n(p-1)/p\)

The Bruck Algorithm

image-20221016162721285 \(T_{brock}=\lceil \alpha\log(p) \rceil+\beta n(p-1)/p\)

Nonblocking Collective Communication

Semantic advantages:

  • Enable asynchronous progression (and manual)
    • Software pipelining
  • Decouple data transfer and synchronization
    • Noise resiliency!
  • Allow overlapping communicators
    • See also neighborhood collectives
  • Multiple outstanding operations at any time
    • Enables pipelining window


Hybrid Programming with Threads

Programming for Multicore

Common options for programming multicore clusters

  • All MPI

    • MPI between processes both within a node and across nodes

    • MPI internally uses shared memory to communicate within a node

  • MPI + OpenMP

    • Use OpenMP within a node and MPI across nodes
  • MPI + Pthreads

    • Use Pthreads within a node and MPI across nodes
  • The latter two approaches are known as “hybrid programming”


MPI’s Four Levels of Thread Safety

  • MPI defines four levels of thread safety – these are commitments the application makes to the MPI
  • MPI_THREAD_SINGLE: only one thread exists in the application
  • MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED: multithreaded, but only the main thread makes MPI calls (the one that called MPI_Init_thread)
  • MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED: multithreaded, but only one thread at a time makes MPI calls
  • MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE: multithreaded and any thread can make MPI calls at any time (with some restrictions to avoid races – see next slide)
  • Thread levels are in increasing order
    • If an application works in FUNNELED mode, it can work in SERIALIZED
  • MPI defines an alternative to MPI_Init
    • MPI_Init_thread(requested, provided)
      • Application gives level it needs; MPI implementation gives level it supports


  • All MPI calls are made by the master thread

    • Outside the OpenMP parallel regions

    • In OpenMP master regions

    • int main(int argc, char ** argv)
          int buf[100], provided;
          MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, 
          if (provided < MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED)
          	MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
          #pragma omp parallel for
          for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
          /* Do MPI stuff */
          return 0;


  • Only one thread can make MPI calls at a time

    • Protected by OpenMP critical regions

    • int main(int argc, char ** argv)
          int buf[100], provided;
          MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED, 
          if (provided < MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED)
          	MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
          #pragma omp parallel for
          for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
          	#pragma omp critical
          	/* Do MPI stuff */
          return 0;


  • Any thread can make MPI calls any time (w/ restrictions)

    • int main(int argc, char ** argv)
          int buf[100], provided;
          MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, 
          if (provided < MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE)
          	MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
          #pragma omp parallel for
          for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
              /* Do MPI stuff */
          return 0;

Threads and MPI

  • An implementation is not required to support levels higher than MPI_THREAD_SINGLE; that is, an implementation is not required to be thread safe
  • A fully thread-safe implementation will support MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE
  • A program that calls MPI_Init (instead of MPI_Init_thread) should assume that only MPI_THREAD_SINGLE is supported
  • A threaded MPI program that does not call MPI_Init_thread is an incorrect program (common user error we see)
  • The user has to make sure that one thread is not using an object while another thread is freeing it
    • This is an ordering issue; the object might get freed before it is used

One-sided Communication


One-sided Communication Example


Creating Public Memory

  • Any memory used by a process is, by default, only locally accessible
    • X = malloc(100);
  • Once the memory is allocated, the user has to make an explicit MPI call to declare a memory region as remotely accessible
    • MPI terminology for remotely accessible memory is a “window”
    • A group of processes collectively create a “window”
  • Once a memory region is declared as remotely accessible, all processes in the window can read/write data to this memory without explicitly synchronizing with the target process

Window creation models

  • Four models exist
    • You already have an allocated buffer that you would like to make remotely accessible
    • You want to create a buffer and directly make it remotely accessible
    • You don’t have a buffer yet, but will have one in the future
    • You may want to dynamically add/remove buffers to/from the window
    • You want multiple processes on the same node share a buffer


int MPI_Win_allocate(MPI_Aint size, int disp_unit,
	MPI_Info info, MPI_Comm comm, void *baseptr,
	MPI_Win *win)
  • Arguments:
  • size - size of local data in bytes (nonnegative integer)
  • disp_unit - local unit size for displacements, in bytes (positive integer)
  • info - info argument (handle)
  • comm - communicator (handle)
  • baseptr - pointer to exposed local data
  • win - window (handle)
int MPI_Win_create_dynamic(MPI_Info info, MPI_Comm comm,
	MPI_Win *win)
  • Create an RMA window, to which data can later be attached
    • Only data exposed in a window can be accessed with RMA ops
  • Initially “empty”
    • Application can dynamically attach/detach memory to this window by calling MPI_Win_attach/detach
    • Application can access data on this window only after a memory region has been attached
  • Window origin is MPI_BOTTOM
    • Displacements are segment addresses relative to MPI_BOTTOM
    • Must tell others the displacement after calling attach
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    int *a; MPI_Win win;
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Win_create_dynamic(MPI_INFO_NULL, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &win);
    /* create private memory */
    a = (int *) malloc(1000 * sizeof(int));
    /* use private memory like you normally would */
    a[0] = 1; a[1] = 2;
    /* locally declare memory as remotely accessible */
    MPI_Win_attach(win, a, 1000*sizeof(int));
    /* Array 'a' is now accessible from all processes */
    /* undeclare remotely accessible memory */
    MPI_Win_detach(win, a); free(a);
    MPI_Finalize(); return 0;

Data movement: Put



RMA Synchronization Models

  • RMA data access model
    • When is a process allowed to read/write remotely accessible memory?
    • When is data written by process X is available for process Y to read?
    • RMA synchronization models define these semantics
  • Three synchronization models provided by MPI:
    • Fence (active target)
    • Post-start-complete-wait (generalized active target)
    • Lock/Unlock (passive target)
  • Data accesses occur within “epochs”
    • Access epochs: contain a set of operations issued by an origin process
    • Exposure epochs: enable remote processes to update a target’s window
    • Epochs define ordering and completion semantics
    • Synchronization models provide mechanisms for establishing epochs
      • E.g., starting, ending, and synchronizing epochs


11: UPC++: Partitioned Global Address Space Languages

Some motivating applications

  • Many applications involve asynchronous updates to irregular data structures
    • Adaptive meshes
    • Sparse matrices
    • Hash tables and histograms
    • Graph analytics
    • Dynamic work queues
  • Irregular and unpredictable data movement:
    • Space: Pattern across processors
    • Time: When data moves
    • Volume: Size of data

The first exascale systems will appear in 2021

  • Cores per node is growing
  • Cores are getting simpler (including GPU cores)
  • Memory per core is dropping
  • Latency is not improving

Need to reduce communication costs in software

  • Overlap communication to hide latency
  • Reduce memory using smaller, more frequent messages
  • Minimize software overhead
  • Use simple messaging protocols (RDMA)

Parallel Machines and Programming


  • Memory access time depends on size and whether local vs. remote
  • Key PGAS “feature”: never cache remote data

Advantages and disadvantages of each

  • Shared memory / OpenMP
    • +Ease: Easier to parallelize existing serial code
    • Correctness: Race conditions
    • Scalability: No locality control; cache coherence doesn’t scale
    • Performance: False sharing, lack of parallelism, etc.
  • Message Passing / two-sided MPI
    • Ease: More work up front to partition data
    • +Correctness: Harder to create races (although deadlocks can still be a problem)
    • +Scalability: Effectively unlimited
    • +Performance: More transparent, but messages are expensive (need to pack/unpack)

PGAS = Partitioned Global Address Space

  • Global address space: thread may directly read/write remote data
    • Convenience of shared memory
  • Partitioned: data is designated as local or global
    • Locality and scalability of message passing


  • Shared mem: Physically Partition + Logically Continue
  • Need a way to name remote memory (UPC syntax)
    • Global pointers: shared int * p = upc_malloc(4);
    • Distributed arrays: shared int a [12];
  • Directly read/write remote memory; partitioned for locality
    • One-sided communication underneath (UPC syntax):
    • Put: a[i] = … ; *p = ...; upc_mem_put(..)
    • Get: ... = a[i]...; ... = *p; upc_mem_get(...)

Global vs raw pointers and affinity

  • The affinity identifies the process that created the object
  • Global pointer carries both an address and the affinity for the data
  • Raw C++ pointers can be used on a process to refer to objects in the global address space that have affinity to that process
    • image-20221019213054350
    • P0: g->val == l->next->val

What does UPC++ offer?

  • Asynchronous behavior
    • RMA: Remote Memory Access
      • Get/put to a remote location in another address space
      • Low overhead, zero-copy, one-sided communication.
    • RPC: Remote Procedure Call:
      • Moves computation to the data
  • Design principles for performance
    • All communication is syntactically explicit
    • All communication is asynchronous: futures and promises
    • Scalable data structures that avoid unnecessary replication

Example: Monte Carlo Pi Calculation

  • Estimate Pi by throwing darts at a unit square
  • Calculate percentage that fall in the unit circle
    • Area of square = r2 = 1
    • Area of circle quadrant = $1/4\times\pi r^2=\pi/4$
  • Randomly throw darts at x,y positions
  • If x2 + y2 < 1, then point is inside circle
  • Compute ratio:
    • points inside / # points total
    • $\pi$ = 4*ratio

Independent estimates of pi:



Private vs. Shared Memory in UPC++


  • global_ptr gptr = new_(rank_me());

  • To write an interesting program, we need to have global pointers refer to remote data
  • One approach is to broadcast the pointer
  • image-20221019214009824

Asynchronous remote operations

  • Asynchronous execution used to hide remote latency
  • Asynchronous get: start reading, but how to tell if you’re done?
    • Put the results into a special “box” called a future
    • image-20221019214144740

UPC++ Synchronization

  • UPC++ has two basic forms of barriers:

    1) Synchronous Barrier: block until all other threads arrive (usual) barrier(); 1) Asynchronous barriers C++ future<> f = barrier_async(); // this thread is ready for barrier // do computation unrelated to barrier wait(f); // wait for others to be ready

  • Reminder: slides elide the upcxx:: that precedes these

Pi in UPC++: Shared Memory Style


  • Race condition: int old_hits = rget(hits).wait();

Downcasting global pointers

  • If a process has direct load/store access to the memory referenced by a global pointer, it can downcast the global pointer into a raw pointer with local() ```C++ global_ptr grid_pptr; double *grid;

void make_grid(size_t N) { grid_gptr = new_array(N); grid = grid_gptr.local();//Downcasting }

- Downcasting can be used to optimize for co-located processes 
  that share physical memory

### Atomics in UPC++ 

- Atomics are indivisible read-modify-write operations 
- As if you put a lock around each operation, but may have  hardware support (e.g., within the network interface)

![image-20221019215028713](../images/CS267 Note.assets/image-20221019215028713.png)

### Pi in UPC++: Data Parallel Style w/ Collectives

- The previous version of Pi works, but is not scalable:
  - Updates are serialized on rank 0, ranks block on updates
- Use a reduction for better scalability:

![image-20221019215114556](../images/CS267 Note.assets/image-20221019215114556.png)

#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <upcxx/upcxx.hpp>
default_random_engine generator;
uniform_real_distribution<> dist(0.0, 1.0);
using namespace upcxx
int hit() {
    double x = dist(generator);
    double y = dist(generator);
    if (x*x + y*y <= 1.0) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    int trials = atoi(argv[1]);
    int my_trials = (trials+rank_me())/rank_n();
    global_ptr<int> hits = broadcast(new_<int>(0), 0)).wait();
    int my_hits = 0;
    for (int i=0; i < my_trials; i++) 
    	my_hits += hit();
    int hits = reduce_all(my_hits, op_fast_add).wait();
    // barrier();
    if (rank_me() == 0)
    	cout << "PI: " << 4.0*hits/trials;

Remote procedure call (RPC)

  • Execute a function on another process, sending arguments and returning an optional result

    • 1.Initiator injects the RPC to the target process

    • 2.Target process executes fn(arg1, arg2) at some later time determined at the target

    • 3.Result becomes available to the initiator via the future

  • Many RPCs can be active simultaneously, hiding latency
  • image-20221019215925279

Pi in UPC++: RPC


Chaining callbacks


Conjoining futures


Distributed objects

  • A distributed object is an object that is partitioned over a set of processes
    • dist_object<T>(T value, team &team = world());
  • The processes share a universal name for the object, but each has its own local value
  • Similar in concept to a co-array, but with advantages
    • No communication to set up or tear down
    • Scalable metadata representation
    • Does not require a symmetric heap
    • Can be constructed over teams

Pi with a distributed object

  • A distributed object can be used to store the results from each process
  • image-20221019220314277

Distributed hash table (DHT)

  • Distributed analog of std::unordered_map
    • Supports insertion and lookup
    • We will assume the key and value types are string
    • Represented as a collection of individual unordered maps across processes
    • We use RPC to move hash-table operations to the owner


DHT data representation

  • A distributed object represents the directory of unordered maps

  • class DistrMap {
    	using dobj_map_t = dist_object<unordered_map<string, string>>;
        // Construct empty map
        dobj_map_t local_map;
        //Computes owner for the given key
        int get_target_rank(const string &key) {
        	return std::hash<string>{}(key) % rank_n();

DHT insertion

  • Insertion initiates an RPC to the owner and returns a future that represents completion of the insert

  • image-20221019220601788

  • future<> insert(const string &key, const string &val) {
        return rpc( get_target_rank(key),
    			[](dobj_map_t &lmap, const string &key, const string &val) 
    				{ (*lmap)[key] = val; }, 
    			local_map, key, val);

RPC and progress

  • Review: high-level overview of an RPC’s execution
    • 1.Initiator injects the RPC to the target process
    • 2.Target process executes fn(arg1, arg2) at some later time determined at target
    • 3.Result becomes available to the initiator via the future
  • Progress is what ensures that the RPC is eventually executed at the target



  • UPC++ does not spawn hidden threads to advance its internal state or track asynchronous communication
  • This design decision keeps the runtime lightweight and simplifies synchronization
    • RPCs are run in series on the main thread at the target process, avoiding the need for explicit synchronization
  • The runtime relies on the application to invoke a progress function to process incoming RPCs and invoke callbacks
  • Two levels of progress
    • Internal: advances UPC++ internal state but no notification
    • User: also notifies the application
    • Readying futures, running callbacks, invoking inbound RPCs




  • UPC++ views permit optimized handling of collections in RPCs, without making unnecessary copies
    • ` view`: non-owning sequence of elements
  • When deserialized by an RPC, the view elements can be accessed directly from the internal network buffer, rather than constructing a container at the target


Shared memory hierarchy and local_team

  • Memory systems on supercomputers are hierarchical
    • Some process pairs are “closer” than others
    • Ex: cabinet > switch > node > NUMA domain > socket > core
  • Traditional PGAS model is a “flat” two-level hierarchy
    • “same process” vs “everything else”
  • UPC++ adds an intermediate hierarchy level
    • local_team() – a team corresponding to a physical node
    • These processes share a physical memory domain
      • Shared segments are CPU load/store accessible across the same local_team
  • image-20221019221343611

Downcasting and shared-memory bypass

  • Earlier we covered downcasting global pointers
    • Converting global_ptr<T> from this process to raw C++ T*
    • Also works for global_ptr<T> from any process in local_team()


Optimizing for shared memory in many-core

  • local_team() allows optimizing co-located processes for physically
  • shared memory in two major ways:
  • Memory scalability
    • Need only one copy per node for replicated data
    • E.g. Cori KNL has 272 hardware threads/node
  • Load/store bypass – avoid explicit communication overhead for RMA on local shared memory
    • Downcast global_ptr to raw C++ pointer
    • Avoid extra data copies and communication overheads

12: Special Lecture

12a: Parallel Algorithms for De Novo Genome Assembly

12b: Communication-Avoiding Graph Neural Networks

What are graphs?


  • Stores connections (edges) between entities (vertices/nodes)

Why not use CNNs?

  • image-20221028142420131
  • Why not use CNNs?

GNN basics


GNN training basics

  1. Initialize feature vectors in layer 0
  2. Sum neighbors’ vectors for each vertex
  3. Apply weight to vector sums


GNN issues

  • GNN models are huge: $O(nfl)$
    • $n$ : number of vertices
    • $f$ : length of feature vector
    • $L$ : number of layers
  • Need to distribute GNN training + inference

Why not use mini-batch SGD?


  • Layered dependencies -> space issue persists
  • Focus on full-batch gradient descent

How do we distribute GNN training?

  • Formulate GNN training with sparse-dense matrix multiplication operations
    • Both forward and back propagation
  • Distribute with distributed sparse-dense matrix multiplication algorithms
    • Focus on node classification, but methods are general

GNN training as sparse-dense matrix multiplication


Forward Propagation:

  • $\mathbf{Z}^l \leftarrow \mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{H}^{l-1}\mathbf{W}^l$ <- SpMM, DGEMM
  • $\mathbf{H}^l \leftarrow \sigma(\mathbf{Z}^l)$ <- In paper

Backward Propagation:

  • $\mathbf{G}^{l-1} \leftarrow \mathbf{A G}^l\left(\mathbf{W}^l\right)^{T} \odot \sigma^{\prime}\left(\mathbf{Z}^{l-1}\right) $ <- SpMM, DGEMM
  • $\mathbf{Y}^{l-1} \leftarrow\left(\mathbf{H}^{l-1}\right)^{T} \mathbf{A} \mathbf{G}^l$ <- DGEMM

Bottleneck of GNN training


  • SpMM »> DGEMM

GNN training communication analysis


  • $nnz(\mathbf{A})$ is the number of edges
  • $c$ is the replication factor for 1.5D ($c=1$ is 1D, $c=P^{1/3}$, is 3D)

GNN Training with 2D/3D Matrix Multiplication


  • Other algorithms evaluated in practice (with 6GPUs/node)
  • Communication scales with $P$, consistent with analysis
  • Computation scales less well à explained in paper

12c: Distributed Computing with Ray and NumS

What is Ray?

  • Ray provides a Task parallel API and actor API built on dynamic task graphs
  • image-20221028145810418

Ray Architecture


The Ray API



  • Actor Handles



The Problem

  • NumS aims to make terabyte-scale data modeling easier for the Python scientific computing community.
  • We have an abundance of very fast compute devices and libraries to manage parallelism among these devices.
  • However, existing libraries expect the Python scientific computing community to learn advanced parallel computing concepts and algorithms to make use of these devices, an uncommon skill among Python users.
  • What can be done to make numerical computing at these scales accessible to Python programmers?

NumS Design


Execution on Ray: RPC Returns


  • Objects are held in the store so long as a reference to the object exists in the application.

Array Access Dependency Resolution


18: Sparse-Matrix-Vector-Multiplication and Iterative Solvers

19: Fast Fourier Transform

20: Graph Algorithms

21: Cloud Computing and HPC

22a: Graph Partitioning

22b: Load Balancing with Work Stealing

23: Hierarchical Methods for the N-Body Problem

24: Sorting and Searching

25: Big Bang, Big Data, Big Iron

26: Computational Biology

Written by Yiran //