RLlib: Abstractions for Distributed Reinforcement Learning

RLlib: Abstractions for Distributed Reinforcement Learning


Distributing RL components in a composable way by adapting algorithms for top-down hierarchical control, thereby encapsulating parallelism and resource requirements within short-running compute tasks. These primitives enable a broad range of algorithms to be implemented with high performance, scalability, and substantial code reuse.

RLlib: Abstractions for Distributed Reinforcement Learning

  • Challenge

    • Because of the absence of a single dominant computational pattern or fundamental rules of composition, the design and implementation of RL algorithms is hard for researchers.
  • Insight

    • Irregularity of RL training workloads Modern RL algorithms are highly irregular in the computation patterns they create

      1. The duration and resource requirements of tasks differ by orders of magnitude depending on the algorithm
      2. Communication patterns vary
      3. Nested computations are generated by model-based hybrid algorithms

      4. Maintain and update substantial amounts of state
  • Contribution

    • Distributing RL components in a composable way by adapting algorithms for top-down hierarchical control, thereby encapsulating parallelism and resource requirements within short-running compute tasks.
    • These primitives enable a broad range of algorithms to be implemented with high performance, scalability, and substantial code reuse.
  • Detail

    • Structuring distributed RL components around the principles of logically centralized program control and parallelism encapsulation.
      • Logically centralized program control: a single driver program can delegate algorithm sub-tasks to other processes to execute in parallel.
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        • The equivalent algorithm is often easier to implement in practice
        • The separation of algorithm components into sub-routines enables code reuse across different execution patterns.
        • Distributed algorithms written in this model can be seamlessly nested within each other, satisfying the parallelism encapsulation principle.
    • Policy Optimization: RLlib separates the implementation of algorithms into the declaration of the algorithm-specific policy graph and the choice of an algorithm-independent policy optimizer.
      • The policy optimizer abstraction separating execution strategy from policy and loss definitions, specialized optimizers can be swapped in to take advantage of available hardware or algorithm features
      • The policy graph class encapsulates interaction with the deep learning framework, allowing algorithm authors to avoid mixing distributed systems code with numerical computations
    • Distributed performance
      • Resource awareness
        • Ray allows remote calls to specify resource requirements and utilizes a resource-aware scheduler to preserve component performance.
      • Fault tolerance and straggler mitigation
        • RLlib leverages Ray’s built-in fault tolerance mechanisms, reducing costs with preemptible cloud compute instances.
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Written by Yiran //