SLIDE : In Defense Of Smart Algorithms Over Hardware Acceleration For Large-Scale Deep Learning Systems

SLIDE : In Defense Of Smart Algorithms Over Hardware Acceleration For Large-Scale Deep Learning Systems

MLsys  ML 


  • It’s hard to maintain enough capacity to memorize many parameters and obtain state-of-the-art accuracy when training large neural networks.

  • Specialized hardware for model training is expensive and hard to generalize, compared to GPUs.

  • This paper propose SLIDE (Sub-Linear Deep learning Engine) that uniquely blends smart randomized algorithms, with multi-core parallelism and workload optimization.

  • Performance

    • 44 core CPU = 3.5*1 Tesla V100

    • 1 SLIDE = 10x TF

1 Introduction

  • the idea of adaptive sparsity or adaptive dropouts

  • design a system that can effectively leverage the computational advantage and at the same time compensate for the hash table overheads using limited (only a few cores) parallelisms.

  • Our Contributions

    • This unique possibility is because the parallelism in SLIDE is naturally asynchronous by design. We have our code and benchmark scripts for reproducibility.

    • in designing the LSH based sparsification to minimize the computational overheads to a few memory lookups only (truly O(1))

      • The implementation further takes advantage of the sparse gradient updates to achieve negligible update conflicts, which creates ideal settings for Asynchronous SGD
    • SLIDE is a memory-bound application

      • With careful workload and cache optimizations (eg. Transparent Hugepages) and a data access pattern (eg. SIMD instructions), we further speed up SLIDE by roughly 1.3x


image (3)

  • Initialization:

  • Sparse Feed-Forward Pass with Hash Table Sampling:

image (4)

  • Sparse Backpropagation or Gradient Update:

    • Here we use the classical backpropagation message passing type implementation rather than vector multiplication based.

    • take full advan-tage of sparsity.

  • Update Hash Tables after Weight Updates:

    • Updating neurons typically involves deletion from the old bucket followed by an addition to the new bucket, which can be expensive.
  • OpenMP Parallelization across a Batch:

    • Each data instance in the batch runs in a separate thread and its gradients are computed in parallel.
  • The extreme sparsity and randomness in gradient updates allow us to asynchronously parallelize the accumulation step of the gradient across different training data without leading to a considerable amount of overlapping updates.


  • 4.2 Updating Overhead

    • Dynamically change the update frequency of hash tables to reduce the overhead.

      • $N_0 e^{\lambda i}$
    • The gradient updates in the initial stage of the training are larger than those in the later stage

    • Reservoir sampling algorithm


  • Our system SLIDE is a combination of carefully tailored randomized hashing algorithms with the right data structures that allow asynchronous parallelism.

  • Our next steps are to extend SLIDE to include convolutional layers.

  • SLIDE has unique benefits when it comes to random memory accesses and parallelism. We anticipate that a distributed implementation of SLIDE would be very appealing because the communication costs are minimal due to sparse gradients.

Written by Yiran //