

A tough student who is searching a balance between many different characteristic of system, mainly on ML model and computer system.

Online class

Will do

  • MIT 6.824: Distributed Systems

  • CMU 15-445: Introduction to Database Systems

  • UCB CS162: Operation System

  • Stanford CS143: Compliers

  • rCore: Write a UniX-like kernel based on RISC-V architecture in Rust


  • UCB CS267: Applications of Parallel Computers (Ongoing 17/26) My note
  • UCB AI-Sys: Machine Learning Systems (Ongoing 4/11)
  • MIT 6.s081: Operating System Engineering
  • SIGOPS: The Hall of Fame Award (2005-2022)


  • CMU 15-213: Intro to Computer Systems (CSAPP),
  • THU: Data Structures
  • Hung-yi Lee: Machine learning 2021 My note
  • Andrew Ng: Machine learning
  • MIT 18.06: Linear Algebra