A Medium-Grained Algorithm for Distributed Sparse Tensor Factorization

A Medium-Grained Algorithm for Distributed Sparse Tensor Factorization


Present a medium-grained decomposition that avoids complete factor replication and communication, while eliminating the need for expensive pre-processing steps



  • Challenge:

    • The computational time and memory required to compute CPD limits the size and dimensionality of the tensors that can be solved on a typical workstation, making distributed solution approaches the only viable option.
    • Most methods for distributed-memory systems have focused on distributing the tensor in a coarse-grained, one-dimensional fashion that prohibitively requires the dense matrix factors to be fully replicated on each node.
    • Recent work overcomes this limitation by using a fine-grained decomposition of the tensor nonzeros, at the cost of computationally expensive hypergraph partitioning.
  • To that effect, we present a medium-grained decomposition that avoids complete factor replication and communication, while eliminating the need for expensive pre-processing steps.
  • Performance:

    • #41-76x faster than a state-of-the-art MPI code, and is #1.5-5.0x faster than the fine-grained decomposition with 1024 cores.


  • Contributions:
    • A CPD-ALS algorithm for distributed-memory systems that uses an m-dimensional decomposition of the tensor and one-dimensional decompositions of the factors to achieve computational and memory scalability.
    • A theoretical analysis of the medium-grained decomposition, which shows that it reduces the communication overhead from $O(IF)$ to $O(IF/ \sqrt[m]{p})$, where IF is the size of the output and p is the number of cores.
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      • The cost of Equation (2) is $4F \cdot nnz(X) \text{FLOPs}$, which is more expensive than an entire MTTKRP operation. In Section IV-B6 we present a method of reusing MTTKRP operation results to reduce the cost to 2FI.

Related work

  • Independent one-dimensional (1D) decompositions are used for each tensor mode. Processes own a set of contiguous slices for each mode and are responsible for the corresponding factor rows.

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    • Memory consumption is not scalable and since updated factors must be communicated, communication is also not scalable.

    • The experiments presented in [9] show that a balanced partitioning of the hypergraph leads to a load-balanced computation with low communication volume.
  • The CSF data structure allows SPLATT to perform operation-efficient, multithreaded MTTKRP operations using a single tensor representation


  • In order to address the high memory and communication requirements of the coarse-grained decomposition while at the same time eliminate the need to perform the expensive pre-processing step associated with hypergraph partitioning, we developed an approach that uses a medium-grained decomposition.

A. Data Distribution Scheme


B. Distributed CPD-ALS

  1. Distributed MTTKRP Operations:
  2. Cholesky Factorization
  3. Column Normalization
  4. Forming the New Gram Matrix
  5. Updating Non-Local Rows
  6. Residual Computation

C. Extensions to Higher Modes

D. Complexity Analysis

  • $O(IF) \rightarrow O(IF/ \sqrt[m]{n})$


  • here are two forms of overhead that an ideal data decomposition will minimize: load imbalance and communication volume.

A. Finding a Balanced Tensor Decomposition

B. Partitioning the Factor Matrices

C. Choosing the Shape of the Decomposition





We introduced a medium-grained decomposition for sparse tensor factorization. The decomposition addresses the limitations of coarse-grained methods by avoiding complete replication and communication of the factors. In addition, the medium-grained decomposition does not require computationally expensive pre-processing such as hypergraph partitioning to have a low communication volume.

Written by Yiran //